Medicus was founded by Jayne Messina RN and Edmund Messina MD. They found
that in their neurology clinic, most new patients came with very little
helpful information about their general medical history. They began developing
automated history taking programs in the 1980's which helped them evaluate
their patients. These programs were brought online as the Internet grew
in popularity.
the past decade, as a public service, they began making their programs
available online to the general public, free of charge, not only to their
own patient population but to anyone wishing to use them. Over that time,
their technology continued to advance and thousands of patients began
using their programs. As time passed, the same technology was applied
to medical education, and they produced numerous online physician education
program is now useful to all adult patients who wish to take their history
for their primary doctor or specialists.
different programs such as FloBase GenMed ™ ,
the FloBase MyMedicalStory ™
series, Headaches Defined ™
and the FloBase Learning Bank ™
were consolidated under the general title Arbor Medicus ™
and the concept of bringing together patients and healthcare professionals
was born.
addition to the initial development team, Arbor Medicus has a growing
number of professional and lay contributors and reviewers.